What is Lipoma? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

What is Lipoma? Are you aware of it? 

The majority of people are not aware of Lipoma unless it’s visible in their body. It simply refers to a small lump of fatty tissue that secretly grows under the skin. As you touch it, it starts moving without causing any pain. Generally, it commonly appears on the back, shoulders, neck, torso (trunk), neck, shoulders and arms. However, it can appear anywhere on the body and can bother you. To avoid taking last-minute action, you must consider consulting the best lipoma removal doctor in Thane.

In simple terms, Lipomas are non-cancerous tumours, and can slowly grow. Usually, no treatment is required to cure it. This can develop in any age and gender. However, it is mostly observed in women. This is one such condition that can even be present from birth. 

To help you delve deeper into this condition we have curated this ultimate guide that will make you well aware of its symptoms, causes, treatment, etc. Without further ado, let’s begin! 


Symptoms of Lipoma: Commonly Observed 

Usually, the symptoms of Lipoma go unnoticed by the people. Even though it’s painless but can make an individual uncomfortable if it’s present near a joint or gets pressed against a nerve. Some of the most common ones are as follows: 

  • Oval or Round in Shape –  Lipomas are usually symmetrical fatty lumps of rubber-like tissue. 
  • Very Small in Nature – Lipomas are generally smaller than even 2 inches in terms of diameter but can be larger than 6 inches in rare cases. 
  • Movable at Touch – They reside below the surface of the skin and move at every touch. 
  • Stay Unbothered  – Lipomas do not spread to the tissues that surround them. 
  • May Cause Pain or Discomfort – Depending on their size, location and blood vessels, lipomas can cause pain or discomfort. 

But what causes the development of Lipoma? Read below to know. 


Uncover the Causes of Lipoma 

Usually, Lipomas are inherited — If anybody in your family has a lipoma, it will be naturally passed on to you through genetics. However, some conditions can lead to an increase in the formation of lipomas on your body. They are as follows: 

  • Gardner Syndrome –  This is a form of a severe disorder named FAP (Familial Adenomatous Polyposis), that can majorly cause Lipoma and even give rise to other health issues. ‘
  • Madelung’s Disease – This is often referred to as ‘Multiple Symmetric Lipomatosis’ and causes Lipoma in men who excessively consume alcohol around their shoulders and neck. 
  • Hereditary Multiple Lipomatosis – This type of disorder is mostly inherited and thus it is also called Familial Multiple Lipomatosis. 
  • Dercum’s Disease – It is one of the rare disorders that give rise to painful Lipomas in arms, trunk and legs. 

Now that we are aware of the causes and symptoms, let’s understand how Lipoma can be diagnosed. 


Lipomas – How are They Diagnosed?

Doctors usually diagnose Lipoma during a physical examination. You may need to do a biopsy to confirm that it is not cancer. During this process, your doctor will take a sample of your Lipoma and simply send it for lab testing.

However, this is not the same scenario when it comes to cysts. To get a wide-angle view of the lumps here, doctors may conduct imaging tests like MRI, CT scan as well as ultrasonic test. These tests will further help in identifying it if is a Lipoma or a cyst and can even help to determine the exact location, the length of its depths if it has blood vessels and whether it is pressing against the tissues or nerves. 


Treatment for Lipomas 

After Lipomas are diagnosed well by your doctor, if they turn out to be severe, the healthcare provider will recommend you to remove them via surgical process or through liposuction wherein he will use a thin and long needle to remove the fatty tissue directly from the growth. 



Lipoma does not cause any threat to one’s health. But in rare cases, it might bother you and affect your daily routine excessively. To avoid complications and take proactive actions, it is better to get it diagnosed by the best lipoma surgery in Thane

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